Double Star

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“I regard them as prostitutes, not colleagues. Let me make myself clear. Does an author respect a ghost writer? Would you respect a painter who allowed another man to sign his work — for money? Possible the spirit of the … Continued

Flowers For Algernon

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Intelligence alone means nothing. Truth has a price. Charlie Gordon is a young man suffering mental retardation. Of course the term “suffering” is not a term employed by him, but by the people who surround him and offer him help. … Continued

Fahrenheit 451

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There’s no time to think. No time to waste on thought provoking tasks or even question your own existence. Busy yourself with the media. Run the rat-race, there’s no time to stop: there’s only the never ending merry-go-round of life. … Continued


Una de las mejores películas que he visto en el año (sólo van dos semanas del 2016, je,je). IMDB le dio 7.8/10. Rotten Tomatoes le dio 93%, y yo le doy 5/5 estrellas. Considero que la grabación de la película … Continued

Ready Player One

posted in: Reseñas. | 0

Una obra maestra que urde varios de los temas de la actualidad de manera divertida y aventurera, aún manteniendo un mensaje bastante profundo. A mi gusto RPO ha sido de las mejores novelas que leí durante el 2015, habiendo pillado … Continued

The Man in the High Castle

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I rated the book 5/5. The show 2/5. I had the misfortune to watch the Amazon Series first than reading the book. The read is amazing, as you would expect from Dick’s writings. However, it’s different from the Series. Or … Continued